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Interview with a Bullion Dealer: Insights into the Business of Selling Precious Metals


The job of selling precious metals often involves dealing with people who are nervous about making large financial transactions. While this can be stressful, it doesn’t have to be. You just need to be prepared for the questions and concerns that people have when selling bullion such as “Do I need to sell my gold? Can I get a better price if I wait?” In this article we’ll explore these questions by talking with an experienced gold refinery and silver bullion  dealer who has been in the business for over 10 years. We’ll look at how he got started, what types of customers he’s dealt with over the years, what challenges he’s faced along the way—and most importantly: how someone can learn from his experience so they don’t make mistakes when buying or selling precious metal!

What does your company do?

We are a bullion dealer, which means that we buy and sell gold and silver. We also offer refining services for those who want to take their own ingots of metal and turn them into bars or coins that can be used as currency.

We do all this through our online store, where customers can purchase products ranging from coins to bars of various sizes and weights–and even some jewelry made with precious metals!

How did you get into the business?


I started my career in precious metals as a bullion dealer, but before that I had been working as an analyst and trader for several years. I was always interested in investing and gold trading, so when I saw an opportunity to get into the business of selling precious metals, I jumped right on it!

My first job was with a large coin shop where I had the chance to learn about all sorts of different coins from around the world. It was great fun seeing how different countries value their currency differently; some have very high face values while others don’t seem worth much at all (like Zimbabwe). My favorite part about being involved with this industry is being able to interact with customers face-to-face each day; we get to help them find exactly what they’re looking for when it comes time for them to buy something new or upgrade their current collection! The most difficult part would definitely be keeping up with all those orders coming in each day – sometimes there just isn’t enough time in one shift alone!

How is the gold market doing?

The price of gold is determined by supply and demand, which in turn is affected by inflation and geopolitical events.

In the last decade, the price of gold has steadily risen due to geopolitical concerns such as the global financial crisis and political unrest in Europe. In addition to this increased demand from investors looking for safe havens for their money during these turbulent times, there was also an increase in supply thanks to new mining projects opening up around the world as well as existing mines expanding operations into newer areas with higher grades (a higher purity).

The price of gold has been steadily rising over the last decade. Do you think this trend will continue?

The price of gold has been steadily rising over the last decade. Do you think this trend will continue?

I think it will continue, and I base that on several factors:

  • Gold is a good investment because it’s a hedge against inflation (the rate of increase in prices). As inflation rises, so does the value of gold–and vice versa. In addition to being an inflation hedge, gold also acts as a hedge against market volatility and geopolitical risk–two other major factors that affect investors’ portfolios.

Is there a better time to buy gold now than ever before?

  • Gold is a good investment.
  • It has outperformed other investments over the last decade.
  • It’s a good hedge against inflation and financial instability, which tend to go hand-in-hand with economic downturns.
  • As an asset class, gold has been steadily rising over the last decade–and if you look back farther than that, you’ll see even more impressive gains!

If someone were considering buying gold, what would be some good reasons to sell it?

If someone were considering buying gold, what would be some good reasons to sell it?

  • Gold is a good investment, but it’s not the only option. If you have other investments that are doing better than gold right now (like stocks), then selling your gold might make sense.
  • Gold is a good investment, but it’s not necessarily the best investment. Over time, there will always be ups and downs in any market–even one as stable as precious metals. If you have an opportunity to invest elsewhere and make more money while minimizing risk of losing value over time by investing in something else instead of bullion coins or bars, then selling may be worth considering.
  • Gold is still an excellent way to diversify your portfolio with low-risk assets that provide some protection against inflationary pressures like rising prices on goods and services; however there are other options available today which offer similar benefits without requiring physical storage at home such as online trading platforms like eToro where users can trade CFDs on commodities like silver bullion without having any physical exposure themselves (which means no storage costs either!).

Gold is an excellent asset that has outperformed other investments, and it continues to do so.

Gold is an excellent asset that has outperformed other investments, and it continues to do so. There are several reasons for gold’s popularity:

  • Gold is considered a safe haven asset. It’s a hedge against inflation and stock market volatility, which have both been increasing in recent years.
  • Gold can be easily purchased in small quantities at any time of day or night via online bullion dealers like [name of your company]. This means that you don’t have to wait until the market opens (or even leave your home) if you want to buy some physical gold today!

What are the challenges of running a bullion dealership?

The biggest challenge of running a bullion dealership is dealing with the public. There are many clients who want to see gold or silver prices go up, but they don’t understand that these metals are bought and sold based on market demand, which can fluctuate wildly. If you’re not paying attention to current events and trends in the precious metals industry, then it’s easy to get caught flatfooted by changes in supply and demand–and lose money as a result.

It’s also essential for dealers like myself to keep up with new regulations from various government agencies (like FINRA) that affect how we do business; this means staying abreast of industry news sources such as Coin World magazine as well as attending seminars hosted by organizations like Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG).

Bullion dealers have an advantage over coin dealers because we have fewer overhead costs associated with running our businesses–but there still plenty of competition out there! We need reliable suppliers who offer competitive pricing without compromising quality standards…which isn’t always easy when dealing with companies overseas over long distances where communication lines can break down easily due language barriers

How do you keep track of your inventory?

It’s important to keep track of your inventory. If you don’t, it can be difficult to know how much precious metal is in stock at any given time and whether or not you have enough on hand to meet customer demand. There are a number of ways that dealers can do this:

  • Using a computerized inventory system
  • Using a physical inventory system (like keeping track by hand)
  • Hiring an outside company to do physical audits every so often

How do you do physical audits on your inventory?

Q: How do you do physical audits on your inventory?

A: We get audited every three months by an outside accounting firm. They perform what’s called a reconciliation, which means they go through all our transactions and compare them to the books in order to make sure that everything adds up correctly. If there are any discrepancies at all, we have to document them and figure out where it went wrong so we can fix it before the next audit comes around.

Q: What would cause someone who buys gold from you to be charged with tax evasion?

A: If they don’t declare their purchase as income on their taxes (which they’re supposed to), then that’s tax evasion–and it could mean jail time! It’s important for anyone who buys precious metals or has other transactions involving cash over $10K worth of goods/services within a year period notify FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network).

Historically, how has the business been affected by the economy?

Historically, how has the business been affected by the economy?

The bullion dealer’s business has been affected by a variety of factors. One important factor is the price of gold and silver. When these metals increase in value, people tend to buy more coins and bars than usual because they want to take advantage of their increased value. On the other hand, when prices decrease (as they have recently), fewer people will buy precious metals as investments–they’ll wait until prices rise again before buying anything at all or only buy small amounts just for fun or collecting purposes rather than investing with an eye toward making money by selling later on down the line.

What’s the most important thing someone should know before buying precious metals?

The most important thing to know before buying precious metals is that they’re investments and not just pretty things. When you purchase gold or silver, you are investing in an asset that can be used to hedge against inflation, diversify your portfolio and take possession of physical assets.

The Bullion Dealer’s job can be risky, take a long time to develop, and it may not be for everyone.

  • The job can be risky.
  • It takes a long time to develop.
  • It may not be for everyone, but if you like working with people and have an interest in the financial industry, this might be the career for you!

Why Did You Become a Bullion Dealer?

You became a bullion dealer because you love the thrill of making a sale. You want to help people invest wisely, and you’re passionate about the precious metals market. You want to work in a field where you can make a difference, and be your own boss!

You know that selling gold is more than just opening your doors for business–it’s about building relationships with clients so they’ll trust you with their assets when they’re ready to buy or sell. As an experienced bullion dealer, I have over 20 years’ experience working with customers who have entrusted me with their most valuable possessions (and sometimes even their lives).

What are the Keys to Success as a Bullion Dealer?

  • Be honest and trustworthy.
  • Have a good understanding of the market.
  • Be able to explain the benefits of buying gold, selling gold and silver (or other precious metals).

Tell me about your business model.

To start a bullion business, you need to be able to trust yourself. You must be confident in your knowledge and ability to do what is necessary for the success of your company.

You also need to be able to trust those who supply and sell precious metals through their businesses. This includes manufacturers who create products from raw materials (such as gold or silver), refiners who purify these products into bars or coins, mints that produce coins with unique designs on them (such as Krugerrands), and jewelers who sell finished jewelry made from precious metals like gold or platinum jewelry settings with diamonds in them.

It’s important that both sides have confidence in each other so they can work together successfully without any problems arising between them–or else they won’t continue doing business together indefinitely!

What does your typical workflow look like?

The difference in workflow depends on the type of business, product and customer. For example, if you’re selling bullion coins or bars to retail customers (which is what I do), your workflow may look like this:

  • You receive an order from a new customer via email or phone call.
  • You confirm with them that they want to buy x amount of ounces at price Y per ounce. Sometimes they’ll ask for more details about how their order will be shipped, when they can expect it etc., which gives you an opportunity to upsell other products like numismatic coins and coin displays that might interest them too!
  • You place an order with one of our suppliers who ships directly from their vault facility; these are usually located in Australia or Switzerland (or sometimes both).

You can treat gold as an investment, or you can just buy the pretty stuff.

There are many reasons to buy gold. You can treat it as an investment, or you can just buy the pretty stuff. For example, if someone is celebrating a milestone, like turning 50 or graduating from college, they may want something to commemorate the occasion. A beautiful piece of jewelry is always a great gift for this type of person–and gold makes an excellent choice because it will increase in value over time while also looking fantastic on their wrist or around their neck!

Another reason why people choose to invest in precious metals like silver and gold is that it’s easier than ever before: nowadays there are many companies out there offering bullion coins which have been minted specifically for investors who want small quantities at affordable prices (and without having to deal with all those confusing numbers!).

We had a chance to talk with an experienced gold and silver bullion dealer, and get some insight into what it’s like to sell precious metals.

We had a chance to talk with an experienced gold and silver bullion dealer, and get some insight into what it’s like to sell precious metals.

We asked our interviewee some basic questions about his business, such as how often he gets calls from people interested in buying gold or silver. He said that he fields about 100 calls per day–and he can’t answer all of them because there isn’t enough time! While this is certainly not representative of all dealerships (there are thousands), it does illustrate just how many people are interested in investing in precious metals as an alternative investment strategy or safety net against financial uncertainty.

When you call a dealer asking about prices on coins or bars, you may get different answers depending on who answers the phone: some employees will give out information freely while others only do so if asked directly by customers who have already opened accounts with them; still others may simply refer callers back down through their chain of command until someone higher up makes a decision based on what they hear from both sides before passing along either good news (i’mma buy) or bad news (no thanks).

Where do you source your gold and silver?

Here’s a brief overview of the different types of suppliers we work with:

  • The public. We buy gold and silver from individual members of the public, who have discovered that selling their coins and bullion is a great way to get cash for an investment they no longer want or need. This is one of our most common sources, and it’s always interesting to see what people bring in!
  • Other dealers. As you might imagine, dealers trade with each other all day long–it’s part of what makes this industry so dynamic and exciting. We buy from other coin shops as well as larger businesses specializing in precious metals trading or refining (more on these later).

What is the most difficult part of your job as a bullion dealer?

The most difficult part of their job is dealing with people who are nervous about making large financial transactions. As a bullion dealer, they need to be able to put people at ease and explain the benefits of investing in gold and silver.

The job of selling precious metals often involves dealing with people who are nervous about making large financial transactions.

The job of selling precious metals often involves dealing with people who are nervous about making large financial transactions.

It’s an emotional decision, and one that many people aren’t used to making. It can be hard for them to make the leap from thinking about buying gold or silver as something they might do someday, if they ever have enough money, to actually doing it now. This is especially true if you’re working with first-time buyers–people who may have never bought anything like this before in their lives.


The job of selling precious metals often involves dealing with people who are nervous about making large financial transactions.

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How Gold Buyers Determine the Value of Your Gold

As a consumer, you might not think about the intricate process that goes into determining the value of your Bullion Dealer. You may have heard that you can get cash for your gold, but you don’t know exactly how much it’s worth or what determines the price. There are several factors that affect the final price of your gold and how quickly it sells at a pawn shop or other jewelry store.

The Four C’s

Carat is the weight of your gold. It’s divided into 100 parts called points, and it’s used to determine the purity of your precious metal.

The higher the carat, the more valuable it is–but only if it’s pure gold!

The carat weight of your gold is a way to determine the purity of your precious metal. It’s divided into 100 parts called points, and it’s used to determine the purity of your precious metal.

Testing for Purity

The purity of your Sell Gold is determined by the karat rating. A higher karat rating means that a smaller percentage of other metals have been mixed into your gold alloy, which means that it’s purer and therefore worth more money.

A refiner will test for purity by performing an acid test on your sample, which involves dropping some nitric acid onto it and observing how it reacts with any impurities present in the material being tested. If there are no visible signs of corrosion or discoloration after five seconds (which would indicate high levels of impurities), then they can be sure that their sample contains at least 90% pure gold–which means you’ll get top dollar when selling your coins!

The acid test isn’t the only way to test for purity, though. A refiner can also perform a fire assay, which involves heating your sample until it melts and then cooling it down again while measuring how much gold was left behind. This method is more accurate than simply dropping acid on your material because it doesn’t rely on human error (like when you drop a coin).

Grading for Quality

When you’re selling gold, it’s important to know what quality of gold you have. The karat rating is a measure of purity and fineness. Pure gold is 24 karat; other types include 22 karats (999 fine), 18 karats (750 fine), and 14 karats (585 fine).

The grain size refers to the size of individual grains within your piece of jewelry; larger grains mean higher quality because they’re easier to work with when crafting new pieces or repairing old ones.

When you’re selling gold, it’s important to know what quality of gold you have. The karat rating is a measure of purity and fineness. Pure gold is 24 karat; other types include 22 karats (999 fine), 18 karats (750 fine), and 14 karats (585 fine).

Determining Weight

When you bring your gold to a gold buyer, they will need to know the weight of your gold in order to determine its value. This can be done by weighing it with a scale or using a jeweler’s scale. If you don’t have either of these items, there are many online calculators that will help determine the weight of your jewelry based on dimensions such as diameter and thickness.

You’ll need to know the purity of your gold as well. This is usually expressed in karats, with 24K being pure gold and lower numbers indicating a higher percentage of other metals mixed in with the gold.

Gold buyers use a variety of criteria to determine how much your gold is worth.

Gold buyers use a variety of criteria to determine how much your gold is worth. These include:

  • The “4 Cs” – Obvious, right? In this case, the four C’s refer to the four main factors that affect how much your gold will be worth: carat (weight), clarity, color and cut. You may have heard of these terms before but not known what they meant; now you do!
  • Testing for purity – Gold buyers test their gold using various methods such as acid testing or fire assay (melting down). Some companies will even send out samples for third-party testing if they don’t have access to these tools themselves.
  • Grading for quality – Just like diamonds are graded based on appearance and cut by professionals at jewelry stores all over America every day, so too can you expect them when selling your own precious metals at local pawn shops or online dealerships like ours here at [your company name].

The best way to get the most from your gold is to understand how it works. We’ve provided some of the basics above, but if you want more information or have any questions at all please feel free to reach out!


If you have any questions about how to sell your gold or silver, contact us at (800) 925-9168. We are happy to help you determine the value of your items and give advice on what steps you should take next.

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Gold Investing 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Building a Diversified Portfolio with Precious Metals

Gold Buyers is one of the oldest forms of currency, and it’s still one of the most valuable. From jewelry to coins to bars, gold has a history that spans thousands of years. The value of gold has fluctuated throughout its history, but it always tends to rise over time. In fact, some historians believe that humans have used gold as a form of currency since before recorded history began! Today, we use gold in many ways: as jewelry; for industrial purposes (think medical devices); and even as investments for our future financial security. Gold can be difficult to invest in because its price is so volatile. However, if you do your research and make smart decisions about how much money you want to put into this precious metal—and where you buy it from—gold could prove an extremely profitable investment over time while also protecting your portfolio against major ups-and-downs in global markets like those we’ve seen recently due to Brexit or US elections like 2016/2020 etc…

History of Gold

Gold Bullion has been used as money for thousands of years. In fact, it was one of the first forms of currency ever used by humans. Ancient civilizations like Greece, Rome and China all used gold coins as their main form of currency. In addition to being used as money throughout history, gold has also been a hedge against inflation since it retains its value over time due to its scarcity and resistance to corrosion (which makes it ideal for jewelry).

When you buy gold today you are buying an asset that can be exchanged for goods or services at any time in the future without losing any purchasing power due to inflationary pressures on currencies such as dollars or euros

How to Invest in Gold

If you’re just getting started with gold investing, there are several ways to get involved:

  • Buy physical gold bullion. This is the most common way people invest in precious metals and involves purchasing actual bars or coins from a dealer. The advantage of buying physical gold is that it can be held as an investment or used for jewelry or other purposes. The disadvantage is that it requires storage space (which may not be available) and has high premiums due to its value being based on weight alone (therefore making smaller pieces more expensive).
  • Buy exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that hold physical bullion on your behalf while tracking their price movements closely enough so that they’re pretty much interchangeable with owning the real thing–but without all those pesky security issues! There’s also no concern about storage fees here since everything happens digitally; however, some investors feel less confident about having no control over where their assets are kept when compared against owning them directly through traditional means like buying bars/coins directly from dealers instead of through these types of investment vehicles which essentially act as proxies instead..

Types of Gold Investments

There are three main types of gold investments: coins, bars and bullion.

  • Gold coins are legal tender and can be used as currency. The most common type of coin is the American Eagle, which comes in several different denominations ranging from one ounce to 1/10th ounce. Other popular options include the Canadian Maple Leaf or Australian Kangaroo coin series. These coins have high purity levels (typically at least 99% pure) and are certified by independent third parties like NGC or PCGS so you know what you’re getting when buying them!
  • Gold bars come in several different sizes depending on your needs (and budget). You can buy 1oz or 5oz bars if you want to invest smaller amounts of money but still get some added security from having a larger piece made out of precious metals than what would be found with most other forms such as bullion which tends only contain .999% purity levels at best; whereas these bigger chunks will typically fall above 90% purity levels before they’re stamped out into smaller pieces again later down the line due largely due their size being too big otherwise–but don’t worry because no matter what kind you choose there’s always room for growth potential if prices go up over time!

Physical Gold and Coins

The most common way to buy gold is through bullion coins and bars. These can be purchased from a variety of sources, including local coin dealers or online providers. Some banks even sell them as well!

Bullion coins are usually priced based on their weight and purity, so you know exactly what you’re getting before you make your purchase. Coins tend to be less expensive than bars because they have less material in them–but the exact price will vary depending on what kind of coin or bar it is (some are more rare than others).

Precious Metals Bullion Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

ETFs are a good way to get exposure to gold in your investment portfolio. They can be traded on the stock market, so they are easy to buy and sell. You can purchase ETFs at any time during the day, which makes them convenient for investors with busy schedules.

If you’re looking for a quick way to invest in precious metals without having to deal with physical bullion or coins, then this is definitely one option worth considering.

Mutual Funds and Closed-End Funds

  • Mutual funds are open-ended and closed-end funds are closed.
  • Mutual funds are more liquid than closed-end funds.
  • Closed-end funds are a good way to invest in gold if you want to diversify your portfolio and want to avoid the volatility of the spot price, but they may not be right for everyone because they’re more expensive than other options like ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) or bullion coins/bars which can all be purchased at lower costs due to their higher liquidity

Price fluctuations are normal, but buying quality gold can protect your portfolio.

  • Price fluctuations are normal, but buying quality gold can protect your portfolio.

Gold prices fluctuate just like any other commodity or asset. However, unlike stocks and bonds that depend on the performance of companies or countries’ economies to rise and fall in value, gold is a hedge against inflation. When you buy precious metals like gold bullion coins or bars, you’re making an investment in an asset that has intrinsic value–it doesn’t matter what happens with the stock market or economy: Your gold will always be worth something because it’s rarer than other metals (you can read more about this below).

Why invest in gold?

Investing in gold is an excellent way to diversify your portfolio. Here are some reasons why you should consider adding the precious metal:

  • Gold is a safe haven asset. When markets are turbulent and uncertainty reigns, investors often turn to gold as a “safe haven” investment–one that will protect their money from inflation and currency devaluation while they wait out market turmoil.
  • Gold is hedged against inflation and deflation. As the value of currencies fluctuates relative to each other (and thus with other currencies), so does their purchasing power; this means that if you’re holding cash in one currency but would rather have another type of asset as your primary long-term investment vehicle, then you may want some exposure through owning physical bullion instead–especially if there’s reason for concern about certain types of inflationary pressures impacting your country or region of residence over time (elevated energy costs are one example).
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How to Get the Best Value for Your Gold with a Refiner

When it comes to selling your gold, you have many options. One way is to deal directly with another gold investor, but this can be risky. The other option, which is often more reliable and secure, is to go through a refiner. There are several ways that refiners can give you the best value for your assets: They offer a more stable price than going direct with another investor because of their large inventory base; they provide an unbiased opinion on where they believe your gold should be priced based on market conditions at that time; and they will provide you with an overall professional experience when dealing with them

When looking to sell gold, you will be faced with many options, including going through a refiner or dealing directly with another gold investor.

When you are selling gold, you will be faced with many options. You can sell your gold directly to another investor or through a refiner. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to weigh those carefully before making your decision.

When dealing directly with an investor, the pros include:

  • You get more money for your jewelry than if you sell it at a pawn shop (which often pays less than wholesale prices).

The problem with selling your gold directly to another investor is that the price could be low if there are not many people looking to buy.

Selling your gold directly to an individual investor is a risky proposition, because there are no guarantees that the price you receive will be fair. If the market for gold is low at the time of sale, you may end up with less than what you were hoping for.

A refinery can offer a better price because they have access to larger inventories and have more tools at their disposal to protect against volatility in the market. They also have more reliable payment methods in place so that sellers don’t have any reason not trust them when selling their precious metals.

Going through a refiner, on the other hand, can give you more protection against volatility because they offer a more reliable price because of their large inventory base.

Going through a refiner, on the other hand, can give you more protection against volatility because they offer a more reliable price because of their large inventory base. The reason for this is simple: the more gold they have in stock and ready to sell at any given time, the more likely they are to be able to meet your needs even if there’s an unexpected spike in demand or supply.

Refiners also tend to offer better customer service than most pawn shops and jewelry stores do–they want their customers happy so that those customers will come back! You’ll find that most refiners will provide free pickup or delivery services for items sent in for appraisal or evaluation purposes; some even offer free storage if you don’t have room at home but still want to keep things safe while waiting until prices rise again before selling them off completely (which can take months).

A refiner will also provide an unbiased opinion on where they believe your gold is worth and should be priced based on market conditions at that time.

A refiner will also provide an unbiased opinion on where they believe your gold is worth and should be priced based on market conditions at that time. Refiners are experts in the field, so they know what to look for when determining the quality of your jewelry and how it affects its overall value. They have access to a large inventory base, which allows them to compare yours with similar pieces from other customers. This helps ensure that you get paid fairly for your gold and avoid being taken advantage of by someone looking to make a quick buck off of unsuspecting consumers like yourself!

Getting the best return on your gold investment means doing thorough research before choosing an avenue to sell your assets

Getting the best return on your gold investment means doing thorough research before choosing an avenue to sell your assets. This is especially true if you’re looking to sell scrap jewelry or other precious metals, because there are many factors that can affect how much money a refiner will pay for your items.

Before choosing a company, make sure they have a good reputation within the industry and with previous customers. Use customer reviews and testimonials from third parties such as Yelp or Angie’s List as well as their own website for information about customer service standards, pricing details (including fees), delivery options, etcetera. If possible go see them in person so you can get an idea of how professional they are while making this decision!

Make Sure You’re Buying and Selling Gold as a Professional.

Before you sell your gold to gold dealers, it’s important that you understand the difference between a bullion dealer, a refiner and an investment dealer. A bullion dealer buys and sells gold bars and coins. A refiner buys and sells scrap gold. An investment dealer buys and sells bullion.

The most important thing to keep in mind when selling your jewelry is that these three types of businesses are very different from each other. If you’re trying to get the best value for your items by using one of these services–and especially if they’re going through any kind of financial trouble–you could end up getting ripped off or losing out on thousands of dollars because there aren’t enough safeguards protecting consumers’ interests at these companies.

Know How to Spot a Refiner.

To make sure you get the best value for your gold, it’s important to know how to spot a refiner. The best refiners are members of several key organizations:

  • National Association of Gold Refiners (NAGR)
  • World Gold Council
  • London Bullion Market

Choose Your Refiner Wisely. Find One That Is Ethical and Trustworthy.

When you are choosing a gold refiner, it’s important to find one that is ethical and trustworthy. Here are some things you can do:

  • Look for a refiner that is transparent about their pricing. You want to know exactly how much you will receive for your jewelry without any hidden fees or surprises down the line.
  • Make sure the company is accredited by the Better Business Bureau. This shows that they have been around for awhile, have satisfied customers and have no major complaints against them (or at least none that could be verified).
  • Look for a refiner with a good reputation in their industry; if other people don’t trust them then neither should you!

Get the Most Money for Your Gold With a Professional Refiner.

You can find out the value of your gold by taking it to a local jeweler or pawn shop and asking them to weigh it. The weight of your gold will determine its value, but there are other factors that come into play as well.

For example, if you have jewelry made up of multiple types of metal (such as sterling silver and 14K gold), then each type will have its own price per ounce. A good rule of thumb is that platinum sells for approximately twice as much as gold does per ounce, while silver sells for about half as much per ounce than platinum does.[1]

If you’ve ever wondered why these metals are priced differently despite being similar materials at face value, look no further than supply and demand: there’s only so much platinum available on earth at any given time whereas there’s plenty more gold lying around everywhere.[2]

The Best Value for Your Gold

The best value for your gold is the highest price you can get in order to sell it. The best price for your gold is what a refiner will pay you when they melt down your jewelry or coins and then resell them as bullion bars or coins. The best way to sell your gold depends on whether or not you have any sentimental attachments, but it’s generally better to sell it than keep it because of risk factors like theft and depreciation over time.

There are several things that affect how much money one receives from selling their precious metals:

Best Price for Your Gold

When you’re selling your gold, it’s important to understand the difference between the spot price and the value of your gold. It’s also important that you know what kind of price a refiner can give you for your old jewelry.

The spot price is simply what someone will pay for one ounce of gold at any given moment in time; it fluctuates constantly based on supply and demand. The value of an object depends on its scarcity and desirability as well as its condition; these factors mean that two identical rings might have vastly different values depending on how much wear they’ve taken over their lifetime, who designed them (and whether they’re popular), or where they were made (and therefore how much labor went into making them).

When deciding which refiner is right for your needs, seek out those who give quotes based on both factors: first determine whether a company uses only one method or both when calculating their offer; second ask how much money it thinks your items are worth after refining has been completed–this will help ensure accuracy when comparing offers from different companies

When dealing with refiners, make sure you understand the prices being offered and ask about the value of your gold.

When dealing with refiners, make sure you understand the prices being offered and ask about the value of your gold.

The price of an ounce of gold may vary from refinery to refinery, so it’s important to compare them before making a decision on who will refine your jewelry. Some refineries offer a lower price but charge more for shipping costs or other add-ons; others may offer better deals but charge higher shipping rates or similar fees. In any case, comparing prices is crucial when considering which company should receive your precious metals in exchange for cash or check (or both).

If you’re unsure about what kind of value your items have at this point in time–and even if they’re worth more than their melt values–you should ask yourself: “What am I willing to get out of this transaction?” If all else fails (or if there’s no room left on my dresser), then maybe selling these pieces isn’t worth it after all!

How to Find a Refiner

  • Look for refiners that offer the best price.
  • Look for refiners that are reputable and trustworthy.
  • Look for refiners that are easy to work with.
  • Look for refiners that offer a wide range of services, such as:

What to Look for in a Refiner

Once you’ve decided to sell your gold, you will want to find a refiner that offers the best value for your money. Here are some things to look for in a refiner:

  • Reputation – A company with a good reputation will go far in building trust with their customers and ensuring that they get their money’s worth when selling their scrap gold or other precious metals. Ask around about different refiners before making your choice so that you know who has been reliable in the past and who hasn’t been able to deliver on promises made by salespeople at their shops.
  • Ethics – The ethics of a company matter because if its employees aren’t honest and trustworthy, then it could be harder for them to provide fair prices when buying metals from people like yourself who have no idea how much their items are worth without doing research beforehand (which takes time). If someone tries charging more than what another company charges per ounce of precious metal based solely upon location rather than quality or rarity–and especially if this happens often–then chances are good there might be something fishy going on behind closed doors!

There are many reasons that you should use a refiner when selling your gold.

There are many reasons that you should use a refiner when selling your gold. A refiner will give you an accurate price, reliable price, consistent price and trustworthy price.


Gold is a valuable asset that can be sold for cash, but it’s important to know how much your gold is worth before you start selling. The best way to do this is by going through a professional refiner who will give you an unbiased opinion on what they believe the current market conditions warrant. This will not only ensure that you get the best price possible for your gold, but also protect against volatility in the marketplace as well as provide protection against scams from individuals looking to take advantage of unwary sellers.